Beer Gifts - How to find the best gifts for beer lovers!

You may approve or not, but beer is one of the absolute cult drinks of mankind. Hardly any other drink is perceived with such a deep emotional connection as beer. Sure, wine, sparkling wine, cola and milk are also enjoyed, and yet beer is the only one of these drinks for which there are love songs and poems. Since its invention more than 10,000 years ago, it has conquered the hearts of people and especially men and has lost nothing of its popularity since then. On the contrary, then as now there are passionate fans of the bitter drink, who can be described as true beer lovers. And our economy would not be our economy if it didn't move along here and develop a whole range of fan products accessories and beer gifts. Therefore, the question now arises for all friends, acquaintances and relatives of beer fans as to which of all these could be the right gifts for beer lovers.

Ein echtes Männerfrühstück

A real men's breakfast

We have taken a closer look at the topic and put together a small overview of the market and the different possibilities. This should make it easy for you to choose the right gift ideas for beer lovers in the future. Have fun collecting the inspirations!

Beer - the cult drink of the Germans...

That beer is the national drink of the Germans is of course not something that needs to be told to anyone in this country. For us Germans, beer is to us Germans what spaghetti is to the Italians and baguette is to the French. It is the first association that comes to mind when a non-German thinks of a German. This may now be called prejudice, and one or the other may feel upset and misunderstood by it. But in fact, as with most such prejudices, there is at least a true core behind it. A German drinks on average one bathtub of beer per year (approx. 100-150l). Including the beer exported abroad, the total amount of beer brewed in Germany is about 5.2 billion litres per year. By comparison, in Switzerland, the country with the highest density of breweries in the world, on average only around 50 litres of beer are consumed per capita per year.

[amazon box="B073VYZW31" title="Bayern Geschenkkorb mit Bier" description="Bayrischer Geschenkkorb gefüllt mit Inhalt aus Bayern: 1x Flasche Weizenbier, 1x Weizenbierglas 0,5 l, 4x Zimmermann Weißwürste, 1x süßer Senf, 1x Mini Brezeln und blau weißer Servietten." ]

[amazon box="B00H7GCH1K" title="Flagge Deutschland: Bier statt Wasser" description="Fahne aus hochwertigen Flaggenstoff, hergestellt im Siebdruckverfahren mit intensiven Durchdruck." ]

[amazon box="B00CITMA8G" title="Typisch bayrische Spezialitäten " description="Bier, Weißwürste, süßer Senf und Edelweiß." ]

Ein Biergeschenk für einen echten Bayern

A beer present for a real Bavaria

Also, the beer culture in Germany is more mature than in almost any other country. So every country in the world has its own beer varieties, but in Germany there is a specific type of beer for every region, sometimes even for every city, which has a very special cult factor there. It is similar in France, for example, with the various regional cheeses.

[amazon box="B005QU89HK" title="Deutsches Bierspezialitäten Set" description="20 Flaschen deutsches Bier aus den verschiedensten Regionen in ganz Deutschland." ]

[amazon box="B00YP98ERI" title="Bierset "Die Besten Biere Deutschlands"" description="Sie erhalten: 9x deutsche Spitzenbiere renommierter Brauereien aus ganz Deutschland + Geschenkkarton in edler Holzoptik." ]

[amazon box="B01CF1E0J8" title="12 Bier Spezialitäten aus Deutschland" description="Die besten deutschen Biere als Probierpaket zum Verschenken in Geschenkverpackung" ]

[amazon box="B076CLSTTJ" title="Deutschland Bier-Cup-Karte" description="Hochwertige Bierdeckel-Deutschlandkarte für Bierliebhaber und Sammler." ]

[amazon box="B01HEYL4NQ" title="50 Biere aus Deutschland Scratch Poster" description="Ein Rubbelposter für Bierliebhaber und Bierkenner in cooler Holz-Optik." ]

[amazon box="B0072UJAF2" title="Probierpaket 'Bayerische Bierspezialitäten'" description="9 Bierspezialitäten aus Bayern im Probierpaket." ]

[amazon box="B07BHGSBCM" title="Bierpaket mit 18 ausgewählten fränkischen Bieren" description="Holen Sie die Biergartenatmosphäre aus Deutschlands bekanntester Bierregion direkt zu sich nach Hause." ]

Ein Besuch im Biergarten kommt auch als Geschenk immer gut an

A visit to the beer garden always goes down well as a gift

... and the most popular drink in the world

But even if we Germans are perhaps particularly crazy about the "cool blonde", the popularity of beer encompasses the whole world. The exciting thing is that beer was invented independently in different regions. For example, the oldest discoveries about beer production in ancient China date back 13,000 years. Only a little more recent findings prove that beer was also brewed in ancient Egypt and in the Babylonian high culture in today's Middle East. In each case at a time when it must be assumed that all these cultures had no contact with each other.

Gut gekühlt schmeckt Bier am besten

Beer tastes best when well chilled

And still today beer is brewed in the Argentinean Andes as well as in the Ruhr area and in Siberia. The recipes are always different, but they are always based on the same principles and inspire people. Already in the Middle Ages, the general consumption of beer was so high that taxes were levied almost everywhere, because it was quickly realised that this would be worthwhile in any case. And it is still worth it today.

[amazon box="B07SFY815K" title="Bier-Cap-Welt-Karte 109 Farben" description="Hochwertige Bierdeckel-Weltkarte für Bierliebhaber und Sammler." ] [amazon box="B016QXGEJA" title="BIERE DER Welt Geschenk Box " description="9x internationale Spitzenbiere renommierter Brauereien der ganzen Welt" ] [amazon box="B01FPELX6A" title="12x BIERE DER WELT " description="12x AUSLÄNDISCHE BIERSORTEN - Bierset & Geschenkset mit 12 internationalen Bieren" ] [amazon box="B01CHTIFU8" title="24er Bierset - BIERE AUS ALLER WELT" description="Verschiedene Biere der Welt, die es nicht an jeder Tanke gibt." ] [amazon box="B079J482N5" title="12 x erstklassige Biere aus aller Welt" description="Incl. 12x Detaillierte Info der einzelnen Biere und Herkunft." ] [amazon box="B075CSTKCT" title="24 BIERE aus aller WELT" description="Ultimatives Geschenkset für Männer mit 24 verschiedenen Biersorten aus der ganzen Welt." ]
Die Tradition des Bierbrauens ist schon mehr als Jahre alt

The tradition of brewing beer is already more than years old

[amazon box="3806232709" title="Bier: Eine Geschichte von der Steinzeit bis heute" description="Die Geschichte des Bieres ist die Geschichte unserer Zivilisation. Seit der Jungsteinzeit brauen Menschen den nahrhaften Gerstensaft." ] [amazon box="3944594878" title="Bier: Geschichte und Genuss" description="Markus Raupach erzählt die Geschichte des Biers von den alten Ägyptern bis zum Craft Beer. Pharaonen und Mönche, Unternehmer und Handwerker, Zecher und Freigeister schätzen Bier seit jeher als DAS Kultgetränk." ] [amazon box="3847906232" title="Die Geschichte Europas in 24 Bieren" description="Geschichte ist keine trockene Angelegenheit, im Gegenteil: Bei vielen historischen Ereignissen war das eine oder andere leckere Pint Bier im Spiel." ] [amazon box="3418001262" title="Die Biersorten der BRAUWELT: Ihre Geschichten & Rezepturen" description="Dieses Buch ist eine einzigartige Sammlung von 117 der wichtigsten Bierrezepturen der Welt, einschließlich einiger historischer Biersorten aus der Weltgeschichte des Bieres von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart." ] [amazon box="3944501004" title="Mythos Bier: Geschichte und Geschichten rund ums Bier" description="Die Geschichte des Bieres ist ein wichtiges Kapitel in der Geschichte der Menschheit, sie ist aber auch ein Blick in die menschliche Seele, ihre Höhen und Tiefen und ihre dunklen Abgründe." ]

Beer Gifts - The perfect gift idea for men

While wine is enjoyed almost equally by men and women, beer has always been a drink for men. This is also confirmed by the statistics, which show that beer is drunk worldwide significantly more often by men than by women. In Germany, for example, around 14% of all men consider it something completely natural and normal to drink their beer every day after work. Similarly, it is also normal for most men to make coffee for breakfast or brush their teeth before going to bed. For women, on the other hand, the figure is just 1.7%.

The best beer gifts in price comparison

This shows that beer gifts are probably also primarily used as gifts for men, although there are also some gift ideas around beer especially for women. In addition, even if there is no sound basis for this, the consumption of beer in our latitudes is considered to be particularly male. Accordingly, there are many gift ideas that play with this very connection and mostly highlight it in a funny, jocular and sometimes ironic way. There is, for example, the "men's handbag", which is a carrier bag especially for beer bottles, or the "men's shampoo", a shampoo with beer aroma. Other gift ideas, however, play on the (often not entirely untrue) cliché of excessive beer consumption by men. These are usually T-shirts, signs, beer glasses, key rings, floor mats and other everyday objects that have been decorated with funny sayings about beer drinking.

[amazon box="B07SM8WQ2R" title="Spruch-Tasse: Ich Liebe meine Frau" description="Bedruckte Fototasse aus hochwertiger weißer Keramik mit lustigem Spruch für den Mann" ] [amazon box="B07RTLNV99" title="Bier-Socken mit Spruch "Wenn Du das Lesen Kannst bring mir Bier"" description="Hoher Anteil an natürlicher Baumwolle lässt die Füße atmen und verspricht einen hohen Tragekomfort." ] [amazon box="B07857WS2X" title="Blechschild für den Bier-Trinker: Gesunde Ernährung kann so einfach Sein… " description="Deko Blechschild bedruckt und geprägt, original RAHMENLOS Design" ] [amazon box="B00TV1Q9H2" title="Fun T-Shirt für Biertrinker" description="Lustiges T-Shirt mit einem originellen Spruch über die Liebe zum Bier." ]
Bier gilt als das wohl beliebteste Getränk der Welt

Beer is probably the most popular drink in the world

Practical beer gifts for all situations

Beer gifts are especially popular when they are both funny and original, as well as practical. Here too, there is a wide selection, ranging from an ice block shape in a special beer crate format, key rings that can also be used as beer openers and cool bags, especially for beer cans, to a fire basket in the shape of a beer crate. There are also folding rules, grill tongs, parking discs and much more to go with beer.

[amazon box="B01N0Z25E8" title="Wasserwaage mit Flaschenöffner" description="Wasserwaage mit Flaschenöffner mit persönlicher Gravur aus Mahagoniholz" ]

[amazon box="B07JJZQZXR" title="Bierkühler" description="Eisblockform für den Bierkisten" ]

[amazon box="B0057VYNMI" title="Biersäule Getränkespender " description="Bierturm mit Spenderhahn, ideal für Partys." ]

[amazon box="B07N1S3FLD" title="PartyPumpe mit Bierpistole" description="hierdiebeschreibung" ]

Ein origineller Bierkühler als Geschenkidee

An original beer cooler as a gift idea

Beer gifts for every occasion

Depending on the occasion for which you would like to give a special beer gift, different ideas come up. For example, there are special beer gifts for Christmas, such as a wheat glass in the shape of a Santa boot, a beer advent calendar or special Christmas beers. For birthdays, there are individualised beer bottles with special labels or beer cans with the appropriate print. Especially for round birthdays like the 70th, 50th, 40th, 60th and of course the 18th birthday you should have especially cool beer gifts ready.

[amazon box="B078YR13S3" title="Geburtstags Bier" description="Glückwunsch-4er Träger mit aufgedruckten Glückwünschen" ] [amazon box="B07CXZSK35" title="Bier-Set zum 40. Geburtstag" description="9 BIERE aus aller WELT" ] [amazon box="B07F28281V" title="Bier-Box zum 80. mit Bier aus Ostdeutschland" description="9 BIERE aus OSTDEUTSCHLAND in GESCHENKKARTON" ]
Das Oktoberfest ist nur eine von vielen Feiern zu Ehren des Bieres

The Oktoberfest is only one of many celebrations in honour of beer

There are also suitable beer gifts for barbecues and special football events. But the choice is greatest on Father's Day. After all, this is especially about drinking beer together with the mates in a nice ambience. Accordingly, there is for example a stylishly designed wooden plate, with the help of which you can turn an ordinary beer crate into a practical table within seconds. There are also very effective bottle openers, with which you can uncork four bottles at the same time, and even a group beer bike with its own counter, on which you can comfortably organize your Father's Day tour. Additionally, there are of course various beer gift ideas with which one can express as a son or daughter on Father's Day how wonderful a dad one has.

[amazon box="B01MQK176D" title="Vaterbier Spezial" description="Perfektes Geschenk zum Vatertag oder für frisch gebackene Väter." ] [amazon box="B01DRGAXD2" title="Bester Papa Box" description="Biergeschenkbox passend zum Vatertag" ]
Biergläser mit individueller Aufschrift zu Weihnachten

Beer glasses with individual inscription for Christmas

This brings us straight to the next category: Beer presents as a thank you. Because as everyone knows, a beer says more than a thousand words. If you want to thank a beer lover, you can give him or her a beer crate with the best craftsman, father, friend or barbecue master in the world. And yes, there are even beer gifts for Valentine's Day, wedding anniversary, moving in and graduation.

[amazon box="B075476739" title="Lustiges Partner-T-Shirt" description="Partner T-Shirts mit aufgedrucktem Motiv und Ihren Wunschnamen." ] [amazon box="B01AM08QAS" title="9x Liebesbiere zum Valentinstag" description="Spezial-Bier-Geschenk-Box zum Valentiinstag." ]
Biergeschenke zum Vatertag

Beer presents for Father's Day

Party games and gadgets around beer

As much as beer has become an integral part of our everyday life, it is still first and foremost a guest that should not be missing at any party. And so that the atmosphere is particularly good and relaxed, a whole range of party gadgets and party games have been developed around beer, which are always well received. First of all there are the classics like the beer helmet or the beer bong. But of course also a whole range of different drinking games with beer dice, cards and many more. As special party gadgets at celebrations of real beer lovers of course matching coasters, or coasters, as well as beer coolers, storage boxes and beer glasses are not missing.


Drinking Games

[amazon box="B00HVC8TT4" title="klattschen - Das wahrscheinlich beste Trinkspiel aller Zeiten " description="DIE REVOLUTION IN SACHEN PARTYSPIELE Kult-Trinkspiel mit 57 Spielkarten." ] [amazon box="B00QVDPOZ6" title="Trinkspiel Roulette" description="Der ultimative Partyspaß ab 2 Personen." ] [amazon box="B073C29D7V" title="Bier Pyramide" description="Das einfache, aber kreative Spielprinzip sorgt für ein lustiges und trinkreiches Spielerlebnis." ] [amazon box="B006GDB6TO" title="Das Bier-Quiz" description="66 Fragen rund um den beliebten Gerstensaft." ] [amazon box="B00PDWIX40" title="Bier Pong Tisch" description="Das Highlight auf jeder Party." ] [amazon box="B07D56RB8Q" title="100x Trinkbecher Bier Pong Set in Rot und Blau" description="Extra Stabile Plastikbecher für das beliebte PArtyspiel." ] [amazon box="B0747YXQW5" title="Das Kronkorken Bierdeckel Roulette" description="Flaschenöffner und Spiel in Einem." ] [amazon box="B07N6MKNZD" title="PARTY-PAIRS! Das MEMO Trinkspiel für Kopf und Kehle" description="Gedächtnis-Trinkspiel" ]
Spielideen rund ums Bier

Game ideas around beer

Playful beer gifts for the child in the man

Spielerische Biergeschenke für junggebliebene Männer mit Humor

Playful beer gifts for young at heart men with a sense of humour

Let's face it! You never really grow up! Not if you get the chance to experience the lightness you felt as a child again in one way or another. And especially not if you have had a few beers in the process. So it's only fitting that there is also a large selection of interesting, funny and exciting game ideas for this. Be it a beer opener, with the help of which you can let the crown cap fly through the air afterwards, or a beer tree, which slowly develops from the entirety of the crown caps in the course of the evening. Also appropriate targets for crown caps, funny beer costumes, a beer bell, beer socks and even a hot wire on the subject of beer are easy to find today.   [amazon box="B018QF2DKU" title="Cap-Zappa - Kronkorkenpistole" description="Spaßiger Flaschenöffner mit dem man die Kronkorken verschießen kann." ] [amazon box="B005MXRQRK" title="Dartscheibe für Kronkorken" description="Die passende Zielscheibe für die Kronkorkenpistole." ] [amazon box="B07NRMTX67" title="Bierklingel für den schnellen Biertransport" description="Wenn Du Deine Freunde ärgern möchtest, ist die Klingel perfekt dafür." ] [amazon box="B07GTVNJT5" title="Der Deckelbaum" description="etzt mit neuem Supermagnet. Die Version 2.0. Noch stärker. Noch fester. Einfach besser!" ] [amazon box="B07PV8N22G" title="Männerhandtasche mit Notfallbier" description="MÄNNERHANDTASCHE mit 6 verschiedenen witzigen Bierflaschen." ] [amazon box="B071S2DQJ5" title="Das Biermann Helden Kostüm" description="Das Bierman Faschingskostüm für Herren ist auf unzähligen Junggesellenabschieden erprobt." ] [amazon box="B07K6WN6WB" title="Sprechender Bierkrug" description="Der Bierkrug spricht ALLES mit einer eigenen lustigen & witzigen Stimme nach." ] [amazon box="B0054VMDIW" title="Kunststoff-Wanduhr: Kein Bier vor Vier" description="Ironische Wanduhr in lustiger Optik mit Bierkrügen." ] [amazon box="B00IMVX7YK" title="Gummibierchen" description="Gummibonbon, alkoholfrei, ohne künstliche Farben,zitroniger Geschmack und ein safter Hauch von Bier" ]

Gift ideas for true beer lovers and connoisseurs

All the gadgets and beer items are all well and good, but if you want to please a true beer connoisseur, give him what he really likes best. Namely the beer itself. And here too there are plenty of opportunities to be creative and original. Among them, for example, a beer world tour with beers from all over the world. Or for the more special connoisseur, even with the best beers from Germany or a particular region. There is also a wide range of beer gift sets, beer gift baskets and beer gift boxes to match. The special thing about a beer gift basket is that, in addition to beer, it also contains other delicacies such as fine salami, the finest cheese, crispy bread and the like. In addition, there are often other fun beer products such as gummy beers or "men's chocolates" included.

Fußball und Bier sind eine beliebte Kombination

Football and beer are a popular combination

Whoever also wants to make a gift to a passionate collector can make him or her happy with various forms of crown cork collectors' items. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland alone, there is already such a large selection of beer types that a collection in the form of bottles, cans, beer mats or crown caps is worthwhile. The most important types include Paulaner, Oettinger, Wieselburger, Villacher, Puntigamer, Riegele, Rieder, Porter, Jever, Hirter, Herrenhäuser, Gösser, Freistädter, Guinness, Kaiser, Augustiner, Appenzeller, Radeberger, Beck's and Astra. But it does not always depend on the varieties. Sometimes it is also especially important that it is about cyclists or craft beer or alcohol-free beer gifts.

[amazon box="B00ND56BRU" title="Spezialitäten "Bier Box" description="Es handelt sich um Bier-Spezialitäten, von kleinen Brauereien, die im klassischen Handel nicht verfügbar sind. " ] [amazon box="B00ND56BMU" title="Kalea 12 ausgewählte Bierspezialitäten im Probierpaket" description="12 ausgewählte Bierspezialitäten aus Deutschland und Österreich" ] [amazon box="B00X7OY386" title="Senf-Geschenkpackung Bier-Spezialitäten" description="4 Bier-Senfspezialitäten in schwarzer Geschenkverpackung" ] [amazon box="B075QFXMQZ" title="Guinness Luxury Truffles mit dunkler Schokolade " description=" Eine köstliche Ganache-Creme aus weißer Schokolade und Sahne, verfeinert mit dem leichtherben, einmalig würzigem Guinness Bier." ] [amazon box="B006Z67TI4" title="6 Flaschen Störtebeker Schatzkiste" description="Verschiedene Bier-Spezialitäten in einem Set." ]
Die Biergeschenk Box für Handwerker

The beer gift box for craftsmen

Beer mugs and beer glasses in all shapes and designs

As much as people all over the world agree that beer is a good thing overall, opinions differ as to how best to enjoy it. A small part of the fan community of the "cool gold" swears by drinking the coveted wet directly from the bottle or can. The far greater part, on the other hand, is convinced that a beer can only develop its full aroma when it is drunk from a particular glass. Each beer family has its own vessel, which promises optimal enjoyment. A Hefeweizen is, of course, drunk from a wheat glass, while for Kölsch, Guinnes and Alt-Bier you also need a suitable glass. With Pils, however, opinions are divided. While some swear by a proper beer mug, others think it is important that the glass is as fine and as thin as possible.

Ein außergewöhnlicher Bierkrug als Geschenkidee

An extraordinary beer mug as a gift idea

Beer glasses from funny to extraordinary

Never fear! Fortunately, there are enough offers for all tastes and in addition, there is a whole range of extraordinary, unusual, creative and personalized beer glasses. From glasses with funny or personal sayings to special shapes such as the beer boot, the sexy beer woman or the beer glass in which an upside-down bottle appears when you fill it, to stylish beer mugs made of wood or clay, to funny gimmicks in the form of halved glasses, huge or tiny glasses, glasses made of indestructible silicone, double-walled beer glasses and glasses from which you can't drink at all.

[amazon box="B07J1XLLLD" title="Bierstiefel 1L mit individueller Gravur" description="Mit diesem Bierstiefel haben Sie das perfekte Geschenk zum runden Geburtstag oder zum Jubiläum" ] [amazon box="B01NCR64YD" title="Holz Bierkrug mit Gravur" description="BIERKRUG mit GRAVUR - ein echtes Unikat aus Birkenholz!" ] [amazon box="B06Y42YQR9" title="Uriges Bierglas" description="Traditionelles Belgisches Bierglas" ] [amazon box="B06WRS4FZ2" title="4-teiliges Bier-Verkostungs-Glas-Set" description="4-teiliges Kraftbier-Kristallglas-Set für den optimalen Genuss von India Pale Ale Bier, Stout, Witbier und fassgereiften Bieren." ] [amazon box="B07KG7D7JT" title="Personalisierter Edelstahl Bierkrug" description=" Der doppelwandiger Bierkrug mit Namen im Fass-Design hält das Bier oder andere Getränke für lange Zeit kühl." ] [amazon box="B008PBGPYQ" title="Trinkglas, Frauentorso" description="Scherzartikel für Junggesellen" ] [amazon box="B006AKV8ZU" title="Doppelwandiges Bierglas" description="Witziges Bierglas mit extralangem Kühleffekt. Das Getränk wirkt wie eine umgedrehte Bierflasche." ] [amazon box="B06XSLBSBK" title="Hantel Dumbbell Bierglas" description="Bierglas in Hantelform mit ironischem Spruch" ] [amazon box="B00D3RB7PY" title="LED-Highlights Bierglas" description="LED Kunststoffglas 167 mal 93 mm für 800 ml Flüssigkeit mit LED Beleuchtung" ]
Historische Bierkrüge

Historical beer mugs

Also popular are individualized beer glasses with the name of the gift printed or engraved, as well as beer glasses for special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter or an anniversary.

Originelle Bierkrüge als Biergeschenk

Original beer mugs as beer gifts

[amazon box="B00WR0ROGY" title="Weizenbierglas mit Gravur zum 18. Geburtstag" description="Individuelles Weizenglas als Geburtstagsgeschenk für Männer zur Volljährigkeit" ] [amazon box="B01MEF6KSA" title="Weizenbierglas Personalisiert mit Namen" description="Stilvolles hohes und schlankes Weizenbierglas mit Gravur des Wunschnamens." ] [amazon box="B07J4H1KDZ" title="Willi Becher 0.5L - selbst Gestalten" description="Mit diesem Bierglas haben Sie das perfekte Geschenk zum runden Geburtstag oder zum Jubiläum." ] [amazon box="B07C64CYF5" title="Bierkrug 1 Liter mit Gravur" description="Individuell nach Ihren Wünschen gestalteter Goaßmaßkrug." ]
Biergläser mit Gravur

Beer glasses with engraving

Unique beer experiences

Even nicer than a beer gift to touch or drink is of course one to experience. And also here, there is a nice selection of great experiences to remember. Starting with city tours that focus specifically on the history of the regional art of brewing, brewery tours, brewing courses and combination seminars on topics such as brewing and grilling, to beer tasting and special short trips for beer lovers. Beer fans can delve even deeper into their favourite subject and learn a lot about the production, taste, tradition, origin and history of beer. They will also learn about the special differences between the individual brewing traditions such as Pils, Alt, Kölsch, wheat etc. Beer experiences are also excellent group gifts, which are especially suitable for companies, clubs, groups of friends and the like.

Biererlebnisse eignen sich perfekt als Gruppengeschenke

Beer experiences are perfectly suited as group gifts

Beer gifts in the form of beer experiences are offered by Mydays and Jochen Schweizer in almost all regions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, such as Bavaria, Franconia, the Black Forest, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Brandenburg and Thuringia, as well as in many larger cities like Berlin, Munich, Bamberg, Chemnitz, Cottbus, Dortmund, Freiburg, Graz, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Linz, Lucerne, Nuremberg, Regensburg, Vienna and Stuttgart.

The best beer and spirits experiences as a gift idea

But it does not always have to be an experience gift from a professional provider. A visit to the beer garden with good friends can also be a special beer experience.

So sieht ein echter Biergarten aus

This is what a real beer garden looks like.

You can also build a mini beer garden yourself. We have found helpful instructions for this here:" alignment="center" width="630" height="360" autoplay="false" api_params="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class=""]

Beer gifts for women

Of course, there are also beer gifts for women. Here the choice is a little smaller, but that doesn't make the gifts themselves any less creative. The most popular are, among other things, the special beer hat for the hen party in chic pink with glittering elements, as well as individualized beer glasses or beer mugs, coasters and beer coolers. But beer cookbooks are also suitable as beer gifts for women.

Biergeschenke für Frauen sind deutlich seltener

Beer gifts for women are much rarer

[amazon box="B00KCRM1NK" title="Lustiges Bierglas mit Gravur" description="Die klassisch geformte Pilstulpe ist mit einem witzigen Spruch" ] [amazon box="B07KM2BXYD" title="Bier-Untersetzer mit Katzenmotiv" description="Verwendet als hochwertige Heimausstattung, Untersetzer für Getränke mit saugfähigem und griffigem Griff" ] [amazon box="B07JDRN2KY" title="Bierhelm Pink" description="Der pinke Bierhelm inklusive rosa Federboa zieht zahlreiche Blicke auf sich " ] [amazon box="B07DP1WT53" title="Bier Relax-Kissen" description="Bier Relax-Kissen lustiges Geschenk für Frauen und Männer, Rollenkissen, Dekoration" ] [amazon box="B07G9HT6TZ" title=" Die Schöne und das Bier - Damen Tshirt " description="Bier-Liebhaber und Partygirls spitzt die Ohren: Mit dem Spruch Die Schöne und das Bier" ]
Auch viele Frauen gönnen sich hin und wieder gern mal ein Bierchen

Also many women allow themselves a beer every now and then

Creative beer gifts to make yourself

What a real self-made man is, he also brews his own beer. So it's a good thing that there are matching beer brewing sets for beginners and advanced brewers, as well as beer brewing courses and seminars. Books about beer, the art of brewing and self-brewing can also be both helpful and original and can bring real joy to the face of a potential brewmaster. Also DIY beer gifts for handicrafts are always well received. For example, you can design your own bottle label or your own beer can print.

With a little practice and relatively small equipment you can brew your own beer without a brew kit. Here is an instruction for it:" alignment="center" width="630" height="360" autoplay="false" api_params="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class=""]  
Bierflaschen Etiketten individuell gestalten

Design beer bottle labels individually

If you want to give the presentee something particularly individual and personal, to show him that it really comes from the heart, you can also make your own beer gifts. This is especially useful if you want to give money as a gift and pack it creatively.

[amazon box="B07FQS83S4" title="Bierhopfen zum selber Züchten" description="Bier Hopfen Set - Vollständiges Set zum Pflanzen der eigenen Hopfenpflanze" ]

[amazon box="B07V2RKC8T" title="Manuell einstellbare Gerstenmalz-Getreidemühle" description="Die Malzmühle ist ideal für hochvolumiges Mahlen mit hohem Wirkungsgrad." ]

[amazon box="B07JQ3R6S9" title="Bierbrauset zum selber brauen" description="Der Geschmack deines selbst gebrauten Biers ist malzig und hat einen würzigen Geschmack. Naturtrüb." ]

[amazon box="1075271193" title="Bier Brauen für Einsteiger" description="Mit und ohne Bierbrauset: Bier selber brauen mit Hopfen, Malz und Gerste | DIY Rezepte für Craft Beer" ]
Ein Bierbrauset zum selber Brauen

A beer brewing set to brew yourself

Where can I find cheap and original beer gifts?

If you want to order beer gifts online, Amazon is of course one of the most obvious sources. But there is also a whole range of special gift shops like Geschenke24, Monsterzeug or Geschenkidee, which offer a large selection of beer gifts. If you prefer to buy your beer gifts in a real shop rather than in an online shop, you can find them at TrinkGut, Edeka, Rewe and Real, among others. You can also find inspiration for nice beer gifts that you can make yourself at Pinterest. We have also compiled a price comparison for beer-related gift ideas on our Experience Galaxy, where you can choose the best beer gifts at the best prices. Here you can also buy a suitable beer gift for your dad, grandpa or your boys. If you want you can even do this on account and in most cases you can even have your gift wrapped and sent to the recipient.

The best beer gifts in price comparison

Manche glauben Bier verleihe sogar Superkräfte

Some believe beer even gives you superpowers

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