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My Vision
About me
10 Questions
Books Movies
My Vision
About me
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Books Movies
My Vision
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GEBURTSORTNeumarkt I.D. Opf., Bayern
1,94 m

78 kg
BERUFWandermöNch, Webnomade
1,93 m
73 kg
About me
10 Fragen
Books Movies
My Vision
My Wishes
Place of birthNeumarkt i.d. Opf. Bavaria
ProfessionReflexology therapy
167 cm
56 kg
Step length
72 cm
About me
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Heiko Gärtner the world traveler
Since 01.01.2014, the most accurate answer to the question of who or what is Heiko Gärtner, is probably: He is a world traveler. Because on this day he started the biggest and most exciting project of his life so far together with his friend and colleague Franz. Armed with a pilgrim wagon full of luggage each, the two adventurers set off to travel once around the world. And with that really the whole earth is meant. So not even around the outside, but to wander through every country on every continent, as far as the political and geographical lay of the land allows. But the really special thing about this journey is its travel style, i.e. the way Heiko and his travel companion move around and how they go about their daily lives.
Because your trip is not a holiday trip, it is a world trip on foot and without money!
When they decided to give up their sedentary life to become nomads, explorers and world travelers, they also decided that from now on they wanted to live as much as possible in harmony with themselves and their environment. Because their journey was to be above all a Medicine-Walk, that is, a healing journey. For this to succeed, you had to find a way to cause as little damage and destruction as possible as a traveler. If and how they succeed, you can read in their travel diary. Read more...
Heiko Gärtner the Survival expert
Heiko Gärtner felt early on that he wanted to become a survival professional. His goal was to be prepared for the unexpected. Already as a small boy he read in the survival books of Rüdiger Nehberg to expand his survival knowledge. What natural skills do I need to survive? Heiko Gärtner asked himself this question again and again.
There were millions of questions in the eight-year-old boy, and he never missed an opportunity to search for answers. So his bush craft skills became better and better. He learned that scorpions with small scissors were dangerous because they carried a lot of poison and those with big scissors had only little poison in their sting. Little by little he learned the various methods of treating water with aids such as water filters, SteriPens or chlorine tablets. He crossed rivers with aids and attempted to cross currents. Later he built swimming aids out of leaves or reeds, even a boat. He slept in fire beds, slept in winter at -25 °C with underpants in a crammed leaf hut and built himself a sloping roof in which he lived outside for months. Thus, the wilderness-loving boy finally became an expert in the field of survival, bush craft and self-sufficient life in nature.
At the age of 25 he started teaching and opened his own wilderness school, where he offered, among other things, survival training that was harder and more realistic than anything that had ever been offered in Germany on this subject. If you want to learn more about survival and wilderness, you can take a look at the Survival Wiki! Read more ...
Heiko Gardener the expedition leader
Strangeness has always had a very special effect on Heiko Gärtner, and for a long time he could not imagine anything more beautiful than leading expeditions to distant countries. For many years this remained a dream that seemed as unattainable as an expedition to the starry sky.
But finally the time had come! Completely unexpectedly Heiko came across the opportunity to participate in a Canada expedition. Before he knew it, he found himself in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness, in the Yukon and Tesslan Territory. This was an area that is about three times the size of Germany, but in which almost no people live. Of course there were no roads and villages here. Just forests, lakes, animals and mountains. The adventure that Heiko experienced in this dreamlike area full of richness and beauty was to change his life forever.
Now that he had once tasted blood and freedom, there was no stopping him. Further expeditions to Thailand, Ukraine, Iceland and other remote corners of the world followed.
Later he even took over the assistance of the leader of a New Zealand expedition, where he was now responsible for the safety of the participants. In doing so, they now ventured further than he had been used to. Not only did they go on extensive hikes in the New Zealand virgin forests, they also had to be dropped off by helicopter in the middle of the wilderness and then had to find their way back to civilization on animal trails. The crowning finale of this extreme expedition was to cross a cave that was partly under water. Read more ...
Heiko gardener the animal photographer
Already as a little boy Heiko had the big dream to become an animal photographer and animal filmmaker. Accordingly, the joy about his first real camera, with which he could run out into the woods and take pictures, was great. He photographed everything that was not on the trees at three. And if necessary, I simply photographed the tree. Later, however, when his school days came to an end, and he had to decide on a profession that required training, he was very disappointed. There was no special training as an animal photographer. He leafed through entire catalogs of job opportunities, but could not find his dream job anywhere. There was no training as a wildlife photographer, nor in insect photography, underwater photography or pet photography. So what should he do? Should he throw in the towel? Of course not. Instead, he began to teach himself photography through seminars and further education as well as through self-study.
He soon discovered that hardly any other branch of the art of photography is as varied and fascinating, but also as demanding, as that of animal photography. So first Heiko had to learn which soft skills are necessary for a good photo of fox, hare and CO. Unlike people, landscapes or buildings, most animals are not prepared to simply stand in front of the lens and remain motionless. The animal models have their own will, are mostly shy or well camouflaged and can only rarely be persuaded to perform desired poses.
Before Heiko could take his first fascinating animal photos, he had to learn in a bitter way that good photographic equipment is essential for animal and nature photography. The more he became involved in the field of wilderness and survival, the better he became at camouflage, deception and sneaking up on people. His senses also opened up, so that he was able to discover animals much earlier than before. Thus, he now gets more and more pictures from close up or from unusual perspectives. Every time he felt that he had succeeded in getting a shot, he was so full of anticipation and enthusiasm that he could hardly wait to develop the picture, or to look at it in large on the computer. But again and again he found out that he had caught the perfect moment for his animal photo, but that the photo itself was useless. Why this is so, you can read in the photography wiki! Read more ...
Heiko Gärtner the writer
The more Heiko Gärtner dealt with the topics that interested him, the more he realized that there was an almost inexhaustible spectrum of knowledge. It was so much, it was impossible to keep it all in my head. So he set about writing down the things he had found out. At first, he kept a kind of knowledge diary, but soon he noticed that this became much too confusing to be able to find his way through it later. In the end it changed into a kind of filing system and over time filled whole filing cabinets with exciting facts, findings, theories and research about healing, nature, life and much more.
On the other hand, the library, which was set up to gather this knowledge, was also growing. But even as a young boy he knew that books are valuable sources of information, but that real, deep knowledge never emerges from them. This can only be obtained through personal experience. So he went out into the world and checked the information he had received from the books. He visited universities and institutes to learn from the studies of the scientists. Later he did his own research and conducted studies with cancer patients, mass murderers, drug addicts, victims of violence and many other groups of people. His aim was to find out how diseases, suffering and violence arise and whether there is a pattern behind it, through the understanding of which one can achieve more happiness, contentment and joy in life.
He soon realized that science alone could not answer these questions for him. So he sought further opinions and traveled around the world to learn from primitive peoples and other cultures.
Thus, the first scripts for books on healing, the development of diseases, diagnostic methods and much more were gradually created. Heiko Gärtner has been able to publish some of these in the meantime, but much more is still stored in the folders and waiting to be made available to the public. Here you can find the already published books of Heiko Gärtner.
Heiko Gärtner the extreme journalist
In addition to his work as an author, Heiko Gärtner always looked for other ways to share his knowledge with others. Soon he began to work with various radio stations, television stations, magazines and newspapers and to be available to them as an expert for technical reports in his field. An idea ripened in him. What would be, if one not only looked at and explained the most diverse situations in which people live from the outside, but really experienced them? This gave birth to the idea of extreme journalism, in which the journalist always puts himself in the role of those he wants to report on.
The first project of this kind was a tour where Heiko Gärtner walked 3300 km through Europe over three months with nothing more than Stone Age equipment and without a cent of money. The aim was to recreate how people lived in the Stone Age by recreating their situation as closely as possible and trying out various techniques himself. When Franz joined him a few months later and from then on became part of the Wilderness School, they started to create even more unusual projects. So they travelled the country as blind people and lived on the streets with homeless people, drug dealers, prostitutes and other border crosser. They were concerned on the one hand with their own learning success and on the other hand with providing information about those areas of life and our society about which we otherwise know very little. Through this work in combination with their increasingly unusual and tough survival and wilderness courses, they also attracted the attention of the press. More and more word got around that Heiko was generally considered the toughest survival trainer, and so he was invited as a wilderness expert to programs like Galileo, World of Wonders, Terra X-press and even to a Japanese documentary show. Click here for the press reviews. Read more ...
Heiko Gärtner the mental coach
Just as he was fascinated by tracking in the woods and meadows as a small boy, he was fascinated by tracking in his soul as a young adult. On the basis of his own medical history, he became aware that you don't get sick just like that. Much more, there always seemed to be a reason that he got this disease right now, this very moment. He could not explain it at first and did not understand the connections yet. But he already knew that there had to be more to discover in this area.
The question kept haunting him. Somewhere there had to be a connection here, and he was determined to find it out. To do this, he first searched through all the libraries he could find on the subject of medicine. And indeed! There had already been some researchers who had asked themselves the same questions. And they had already made observations and studies on this. Little by little he found out that people had been aware of the connections between physical abnormalities and diseases for many thousands of years. The healing methods of many ancient and natural cultures were based on it. And even today in our western civilized world the technology was still in use. But Heiko had to realize that nowadays they were no longer used to heal people, but to recognize how high the risk for certain diseases is. For example, when working for an insurance company, his first task was to assess the likelihood of a potential client falling ill in the near future based on external, physical characteristics.
But he was not only interested in the diagnosis of the face, but in the whole psyche of the human being. How do fears arise and how do they affect our health and behavior? How can the actions of people be predicted? How can they be influenced, even manipulated? Which trigger points do you have yourself that make you susceptible to manipulation from outside? And how can you get rid of it?
The next few years were filled with a colorful range of different orders, which were spread all over Europe. He gave team trainings and company coaching in Lower Bavaria, worked with mentally conspicuous children in the Altmühltal, looked after criminal and drug-addicted children in the Eifel, gave individual seminars in Poland, organized survival training in Austria and led expeditions in Iceland. Over time, he increasingly took on the role of a mental coach, as well as that of a mentor and life coach. You can find more about this in the psychology wiki.
Heiko Gärtner the tracker
For Heiko Gärtner, school was always above all a place that kept him from learning and researching. He could not understand why he should sit for hours on an uncomfortable wooden chair, listening to the soporific words of his teachers, when there was a world full of mysteries, wonders and secrets out there that all wanted to be discovered and explored. No sooner had the school bell rung than he scurried out into the woods and took a close look at everything that was unknown to him. Countless times he grabbed fur remains, pellets, slogans or even plants with traces of food and stomped together with his muddy boots into the small library around the corner. The librarian stared in horror at his table, which was covered with animal tracks, while Heiko looked in books to find out who had left these tracks.
Later he found mentors who could teach him in this field. At first, it was his own uncle, with whom he could wander through the woods for hours. Later, it was a wide variety of wilderness experts, ranging from hunters, wilderness school directors, biologists and nature photographers, trappers, rangers and outlaws, to shamans, warriors and scouts of native people, who gave him an insight into their way of tracking. Heiko discovered that there were no boundaries here. Thus, he met a young Indian who, by means of a footprint seal, was able to recognize not only what kind of animal it was, when it had passed by and where it might have been going. He could even name the individual animal, since he had given all his animal friends here in his forest a name.
A medicine man, on the other hand, taught him how to perceive not only the physical traces an animal tracks in the forest, but also its energetic traces.
All this knowledge not only helped him to become a survival and wilderness expert who could feed himself completely self-sufficiently from nature. It also showed him the way how he could later become a tracker of the soul and society. First, he had now learned to recognize not just a single step seal, but the totality of all traces and to put together a puzzle from all the details, which then tells you more about the situation than you could have imagined. Now he realized that he could also use the same technique to find out, for example, what the core psychological cause of an illness was, or which of the many pieces of information on a topic were true and which, on the other hand, were intended to confuse, manipulate or distract. You can read the results of this social search for clues in the truth wiki.
Heiko Gärtner the mountain rescuer
When asked about his vocation, Heiko repeatedly recalled his core themes, which he knew played an important role in his life. On the one hand, there was the research, discovery and exploration that made his adventure heart beat faster. But it was equally important to him to be healing and helping. He wanted to contribute something to people's lives and thus make the world as a whole a better place. So how could he combine these wishes and requirements? While searching for an answer to this question, he came across an advertisement from the Bavarian Mountain and Cave Rescue Service, which immediately appealed to him.
Shortly afterwards he found himself in a seminar room in a region called “Fränkische Schweiz” with a group of like-minded people. Here he was trained in the coming months for cave rescue operations in Germany, as well as in Austria, Switzerland, France and other parts of Europe. Of course, we always went out into the mountains to train and exercise the practical experience. In addition to intensive training in cave climbing, the training also included the laying of safety routes, the recovery of casualties, the exploration and development of new, unknown cave sections as well as cave diving and first aid for injuries.
The second part of the training concerned mountain rescue, i.e. recovering injured or lost people from impassable terrain. These included rescue operations by helicopter, rescuing injured climbers from rock faces, locating buried hikers or skiers from avalanche burials and heat retention for people with hypothermia. In the process, the trainees were repeatedly confronted with new challenges that pushed them to their extreme limits. Only in this way could they be optimally prepared for an emergency. Because for them it was not only important to master all the techniques in climbing, abseiling, cave diving, first aid and personal rescue. They also had to be able to do all these things completely flawlessly under extreme stress conditions and psychological pressure. Read on...