Travel anniversary: 6 years on world tour!
First of all we wish all readers a happy new year! Can you believe we've really been on a world tour for 6 years now? Maybe it happened to one or the other of you, but for Heiko and me, the past year has passed us by in a flash. We were just in Neumarkt and asked ourselves if we should fly directly to America or not and here we are and have already wandered through the whole of Italy without coming even one step closer to the answer to this question.
Developments and changes
But still: Since our Christmas in the Erzgebirge a lot has happened and even though we are currently quite close again, we have made a lot of progress on many levels. So our team has been extended by some helpers, which means that our internet pages will undergo major changes and developments in the coming weeks. So you can be curious!
Also Shania, who will be back with us again at the turn of the year according to tradition, has come much closer to her goal of becoming a permanent member of the herd. For the first time since she visited us in Italy, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The steps that still have to be taken can be counted on one hand and for most of them there are already appointments. This also means that you can look forward to something, because after her first, very successful contribution about the use of compression corsage after plastic surgery, there will be more and more to read about her in the future.
Review of 2019
Looking back, 2019 was above all the year of culture, effort and upheaval, but also the year of relaxation and enjoyment. Never before have we been poured out by the weather god as hard as last year. It all started with a good half meter of snow, through which we had to pull our pilgrim carts already in January. Then followed a month full of sunshine and cosiness in Austria, followed by two and a half months of continuous rain in Italy. As if with a light switch, we then changed from cold, wet and grey gloomy weather to one of the hottest summers of our lives. Almost 6 months followed, during which the temperature rarely dropped below 30 degrees during the day. And as suddenly as the summer had come, it had disappeared again. A few more weeks of grey rainy weather, interrupted by occasional sunshine, brought us to the Alps. There we were snowed in again just before Christmas.
Bathing and theme points
What next? Over Christmas and New Year, what can be described as typical German standard weather prevails here. So it's a miracle that a year ago we got the desire to hike to Italy.
Through our journey along the Italian coast, we were able to achieve a new record high of bathing points. Now we were able to continue this streak and turn our trip to Germany into a thermal spa tour. With Meran, our wellness hotel on the Reschenpass, Bad Wörishofen and Bad Waldsee, we were able to visit four thermal baths and saunas in just one month. In 6 years of world travel we have never done so well in this respect. Let's see if we can maintain this quota in the new year.

The Paracelsustherme in Bad Liebenzell: One of our many visits to the thermal baths (Photo:
New Year's Eve and World Tour Anniversary
This time we celebrated our turn of the year and thus also our sixth world tour birthday at a pastor's home. He was not necessarily the most talkative or what is commonly known as a party canon. Nevertheless it was a very nice evening with good food. As I said, it was nothing special, but it was not a round anniversary, after we are now 6 years on a world trip.
Future prospects after 6 years world trip
2020 will now be our 7th year of world travel and probably the first in which we leave our continent. But it is also definitely the year that we have been least able to plan ahead. Only one thing is certain: The journey continues! And it remains exciting!
The slogan of the day: Time is relative!