Fishing for beginners: All fishing types at a glance
Which is the right kind of fishing for me?
Fishing has been an important part of almost all cultures since the beginning of mankind. On the one hand it has always been a promising method to get food, but on the other hand it was also a way for the fisherman to dive into nature, sharpen his senses, relax and at the same time wait anxiously for his success. Fishing is an art that requires a lot of understanding for the prey fish and also a lot of patience and inner peace. This is what makes fishing so interesting as a sport. Nevertheless, there are often a few essential questions regarding fishing for beginners that are not easy to answer. There are many different types of fishing, of which you have to find out which one is the most suitable for you.
But how can you succeed if you have no experience? Fishing equipment is quite expensive and if you realize afterwards that you have prepared for the wrong kind of fishing, it can be very annoying. That's why we have listed the most important types of fishing in alphabetical order below, each with a short definition. This way you can already get an overview and feel inside yourself which type of fishing suits you best.
Eel fishing
Eel fishing is the fishing of eel using special baits and rods adapted to this angler fish. Equipment therefore typically includes the eel fishing rod and eel bait. The rest of the fishing equipment is generally no different from other types of fishing. Eel fishing is a form of fishing that is less common in our latitudes. For this reason, fishing experiences with eel fishing are particularly suitable as a gift idea, as they have the touch of the exotic. Even die-hard anglers can be lured into completely new areas with such a fishing adventure.
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Fishing is the term used to describe all forms of fishing that are primarily about the pleasure of fishing itself. A special variant is match fishing, in which several sports fishermen compete against each other to determine a winner in the end. Often in fishing, the catch is only a symbolic trophy and is not eaten or consumed by the anglers. In such a case, the aim is to beat the fish, i.e. to get it out of the water and then take a proof photo. After the photo shoot, the fish is let back into the water in a fair manner and is allowed to continue its life unharmed and untroubled.
Perch fishing
Perch fishing is the form of fishing that is specifically designed for perch fishing. It is a subspecies of predatory fishing and can be practised with different techniques. One of these is so-called hedge fishing, where up to five short lines depart from the fishing line on the leader. These are then attached to either artificial bait or so-called nymphs. The latter are flies or other insects that are in the stage between larva and adult insect. You can find more details about this in the section Hegenefischen a little further down. Just as popular is perch fishing with wobblers or perch fishing with worms. Perch fishing in autumn and winter is a particular highlight, although summer is also a good time for this variant of predator fishing. As a fishing experience it is especially suitable in the form of a fishing trip to beautiful river or lake areas where you can fish from the shore.
Indicator Fishing
Blinker fishing refers to catching fish with the help of a blinker. A spoon is a special type of artificial bait that attracts predatory fish due to light reflections. It is important to keep the bait constantly moving so that the predator fish thinks it is a lure. As a gift idea for fans of this type of fishing, fishing holidays in beautiful areas such as Norway or Sweden are a good idea. On the other hand, there are also exciting courses to learn the months of spoon fishing and to build your own fishing spoon. Blinker fishing is also a popular method for trout fishing, perch fishing and other variants of predator fishing.
Boat fishing
Boat fishing is fishing from a boat. It is a special fishing experience for most anglers, as they are usually only used to fishing from the shore. Especially in a group with several fishermen and boats this activity quickly becomes a real fishing event. At the same time boat fishing is considered the most relaxing way of fishing. The reason for this is that you are more flexible than from the shore, you can reach points that you would otherwise not be able to reach and you can do everything comfortably from the boat without having to carry a lot of equipment. Mostly an anchored boat is used as a base camp and a dinghy for laying out the routes, feeding and drilling.
Bream Fishing
Bream fishing is the baiting of bream caught in this way. Bream belong to the group of carp and are also called brook, bream, bream, pliete or lead. They usually grow to between 30 and 60 cm in size and weigh 3 to 3.5 kg. In extreme cases, however, they can also become heavier than 8 kg and larger than 85 cm. Since bass are a subspecies of carp, bass fishing is also a subspecies of carp fishing.
Cod fishing
Unter Dorschangeln versteht man eine Form des Sportfischens, die gezielt auf das Angeln auf Dorsch ausgelegt ist.
Drop shot fishing is a variation of spin fishing that is particularly successful due to the very targeted use of the bait. The fishing line is equipped with a lead weight at the tip, while the lure itself is attached at some distance. This construction, also known as drop-shot assembly, is then thrown into the water in the middle of an accumulation of fish and then sinks completely to the bottom. The fishing line is then reeled in a bit so that the lure assembly is under tension and can now be made to wriggle with small plucking movements. In this way the hunting instinct of the predatory fish is awakened so that they are tempted to bite.
Sonar fishing
Because deep-sea fishing uses echo sounders to locate the fish, it is also called echo sounder fishing. This involves sending a signal from the boat down to the sea. As soon as it meets with resistance, it bounces off and returns to the vessel where it is read out. Depending on whether it is reflected by a fixed or soft, a rigid or moving object, it is possible to see what is in the water. This makes it possible to detect shoals of fish or even individual sea animals, so that you know where and how to fish in order to be successful.
Ice fishing
Ice fishing is also known as ice fishing and is a special fishing experience that takes place mainly in the far north. Ice fishing involves fishing through a hole in the ice that has previously been driven into the ice with an ice drill. Particularly popular is ice fishing in Norway, ice fishing in Canada, ice fishing in Alaska, ice fishing in Sweden, ice fishing in Iceland and ice fishing in Finland. The special thing about this fishing event is that you don't hold your rod in the water from the shore or from a boat, but from the ice in the middle of the lake. Whether or not you succeed depends on a number of factors. Therefore, it is usually advisable to do the fishing experience together with an experienced guide when you are on your first trip in this way.
Here are some more information and impressions from ice fishing:" alignment="center" width="630" height="360" autoplay="false" api_params="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class=""]Fishing without a rod
Fishing without a rod or other equipment, where the fish is caught directly by hand, is also known as hand fishing or hand-fishing. It is one of the most difficult disciplines and requires a lot of endurance, patience, skill and knowledge. For this very reason, however, a hand fishing course is a special fishing experience that is well suited as a fishing gift. It is a special fun when you give it to an angler who is usually always successful and therefore may be threatening to take off a little bit. Fishing without any equipment is a fishing adventure that is second to none and it is also good for learning a little humility.
The term fishing covers all forms of fishing. However, the word usually refers mainly to professional or industrial fishing, where it is primarily about obtaining fish or other aquatic life as food rather than the fun and enjoyment of fishing itself. There are almost no fishing events or fishing experiences in this area. As a gift for anglers, it can still be interesting to buy a voucher for a trial day on a real industrial or traditional fishing boat, for example.
River Fishing
River fishing is the fishing in rivers. This includes mainly variations of trout fishing and fly fishing.
Trout fishing
Trout fishing is also known as trout fishing and is deliberately aimed at catching trout. Frequently, river trout is fished in rivers, but fishing in a trout lake or trout pond is also part of this. Trout fishing is particularly popular in the Allgäu. Trout fishing is a form of predatory fishing, where artificial bait is usually used. As a fishing gift it is particularly suitable in combination with a trip to beautiful fishing areas. Such a fishing trip could take you to Canada, Greece, Denmark or Sweden, for example.
Friedfish fishing
Peace fish fishing is the fishing of so-called peace fish, i.e. fish that feed on plants, algae, kyll, plankton or micro-organisms. Since you cannot attract them with animal bait such as worms or bait fish, you need special fishing techniques. A special fishing event is the so-called Noodling, which is mainly practiced in the USA. This not entirely harmless variant of fishing takes place without a rod, since the own arm serves as bait. The noodler mainly catches catfish that hide in caves under the water surface. Once the fish has taken the bait, it must be brought ashore and removed from the arm again. This is sometimes difficult and painful. The real danger, however, is that there is no catfish lurking in the cave but another animal. For example an alligator turtle or a water snake.
Stitched angeln
Pike fishing is all about catching pike. The pike is a fish that feeds on other fish, so pike fishing is part of predatory fishing.
Hedge fishing
For hedge fishing a fishing line with a special leader is used. Up to five different, staggered, short lines go out from this leader, each with a hook with a bait at the end. The end of the actual line, on the other hand, is usually only weighted down with a sinker, but there is no other hook on it. The hooks on the sides of the line are either filled with nymphs or with artificial bait. The angler then casts the rod and then alternately slowly lowers it upwards and then quickly lowers it again. This imitates a swarm of insects which attracts the rubfish and motivates them to bite.
Halibut fishing
Halibut fishing is the term used to refer to the targeted fishing for halibut. Halibut fishing is particularly popular in Norway.
Herring Fishing
Fishing which is aimed at the directed capture of herring is known as herring fishing.
Hobby Fishing
Fishing as a hobby or also hobby fishing is called fishing when it is purely for pleasure and is carried out by amateurs without professional training. In order to be able to fish legally as a hobby, however, you need a fishing license, for which you must also take a fishing course, among other things.
Deep sea fishing
For deep-sea fishing, you go out to the high seas to target large prey fish. With sonar or echo sounder, shoals of fish and large prey fish can be detected. Deep-sea fishing is also called deep-sea fishing and usually requires special fishing equipment, including deep-sea rods and reels. Deep-sea fishing in Norway is particularly popular.
Garfish fishing
Garfish fishing is a variant of pike fishing that is specially designed for fishing for garfish.
Channel Fishing
Channel fishing is the fishing in a channel.
Carp fishing
Carp angling or also carp fishing refers to the fishing for carp. As a peaceful fish, the carp fish is a special candidate for whose catch you often have to sit for many days. The equipment of carp fishermen therefore usually includes a fishing tent as well as a fishing couch, a carp chair and special fishing clothes. Furthermore, the standard equipment of a carp fisherman naturally includes carp rods and carp reels. Because of the extensive equipment needed for carp fishing there are even carp fishing shops that specialize in selling fishing equipment for carp fishing. Carp fishing is therefore usually combined with a fishing holiday and is an absolute fishing event for many fans.
Bait Fishing
Bait fishing covers all types of fishing for which bait is used.
Salmon Fishing
Salmon fishing is the fishing for salmon. Special licences are usually required for this, as wild salmon has become very rare and has been overfished excessively for many years. Salmon fishing in Sweden, salmon fishing in Canada and salmon fishing in Alaska are particularly popular.
Match fishing
One speaks of match fishing when participants of an angling competition want to compete with each other. For this purpose, contest participants usually use a special match rod.
Sea fishing
Sea angling or sea fishing means fishing in the sea. There are two main variants. Shore fishing is fishing from the coast, while deep-sea fishing or deep-sea fishing is fishing with a boat far out to sea to find big fish or shoals of fish with the help of sonar and echo sounder. Sea angling usually requires extensive fishing equipment, which is why there are special sea angling shops that have specifically adapted to this type of fishing. Sea angling is a form of sea angling due to the wide Fjo Das Surge Fishing, which is a special fishing experience, and the beautiful landscape makes sea angling particularly popular in Norway.
Sea trout fishing
Sea trout fishing is a form of sea angling that specifically involves fishing for sea trout.
Predator fishing
Predator fishing is the fishing for predatory fish such as pike and trout. Usually baits are used to imitate live fish or other aquatic creatures and thus stimulate the hunting instinct of the fish. This causes the predatory fish to go into a so-called bloodlust and bite the hook so that the angler can pull them out of the water. Predator fishing includes trout fishing, perch fishing and pike fishing. As one predator in the form of the angler is directly against another predator in the form of fishing, it is a special fishing experience, especially for men.
Schleien Fishing
Trolling is the fishing for tench.
Trolling is also called trolling. When trolling, the angler sits in a moving boat and the dragged lure swims through the boat speed like a fish in water, imitating a lifelike fish. It is therefore a variant of predator fishing, because the lure that hunts quickly through the water awakens the carnivore's hunting instinct.
Swimsuit Fishing
Swimsuit fishing is a variant of fishing where the angler stands directly in the water and therefore wears a swimsuit.
Spin fishing
Spin fishing is derived from the English word spin, which stands for whirling, spinning and spinning. Spinning fishing uses artificial lures such as soft plastic lures, wobblers, spinners, spoons or shads. Because of their movements and the partial reflection of light from their surface, they attract the attention of predators and thus function as bait, even though they are not edible. Usually a special spinning rod is also used for spin fishing, which is designed to allow the bait to be easily taken in and cast again and again, as artificial baits are only interesting for a predator if they move and thus imitate a prey animal.
Sport fishing
Sport fishing or sport fishing is the term used to describe all forms of fishing where the main focus is on the fishing itself and less on meeting food requirements through fish. Often a sport fisherman releases his catch after measuring and photographing it. Sport fishing can be a fishing adventure in the middle of untouched nature or a fishing event on a well-known lake or coast.
Sturgeon Fishing
Sturgeon fishing means fishing for sturgeon.
Twister Fishing
A twister is a rubber bait that was very popular for a long time. Today, however, it has been largely replaced by the use of rubber fish.
Waller fishing
When fishing is specifically for waller fish, this is called waller fishing.
Whitefish fishing
Whitefish fishing is specifically about fishing for whitefish.
Catfish fishing
Catfish angling is a form of fishing that specifically targets catfish.
Wobbler Fishing
Wobbler fishing is a variant of spin fishing. Spin fishing in turn is derived from the English word spin, which stands for whirling, spinning and spinning. Spinning fishing uses artificial lures such as soft plastic lures, wobblers, spinners, spoons or shads. Because of their movements and the partial reflection of light from their surface, they attract the attention of predators and thus function as bait, even though they are not edible. Spinning is usually done using a special spinning rod designed to allow the lure to be easily retrieved and cast again and again. This is because the artificial lures have to be constantly moving in the water, as this is the only time they are interesting for a predator fish. In this way, they imitate a prey that awakens the predator's hunting instinct.
zander fishing
Zander fishing is about fishing for zander fish.